8028 - Policy on Access, Success and Equity for Diverse People

(This policy is under review)

"Always keep in mind that what we do in terms of how we educate our students is based on hope and love. For teaching and studying cultural studies celebrates our humanity, how precious life is, and how the human spirit is mirrored in each of us."

"What we do today will determine tomorrow." - Morris J. Lawrence, 1991

Statement of Policy

WCC promotes a climate of access, success and equity for persons from different racial, ethnic and cultural groups, age levels, religions, sexes, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, physical capacities, learning abilities and income levels.

WCC promotes the awareness and appreciation of cultural differences and commonalties among students, community and staff groups -- seeking to build community, unity and learning.

WCC works to create and maintain a diverse teaching, learning, and work environment that can draw upon the full potential of all individuals in order to provide the very best educational opportunities for all members of our communities.

Diversity refers to the institution's commitment to:

  • promote an increased understanding and appreciation of the differences, as well as the commonalties among us through such means as education, professional training, dialogue, and discussion.
  • work to ensure that our students and staff profiles reflect the diversity of our service area.
  • support the educational success of students of all backgrounds.
  • increase the organization's capacity to work effectively in today's world by attracting and utilizing the best talent available.

Basic Components

Recognizing the growing diversity among our students, staff, and the communities we serve, the college will strive to prepare for a future in which we celebrate the differences in people -- a future in which we not only recognize but realize the benefits of our diversity. This preparation requires proactive leadership and accountability at all levels of the institution.

Therefore, the college will continuously improve its programs and processes and strive to:

  • develop and maintain college policies, procedures and practices that support the recruitment, retention, and success of a diverse student and staff population.
  • regularly review educational support materials, college publications, and advertisements to evaluate their effectiveness in reflecting and supporting diversity.
  • develop and maintain curricula that recognize the contributions of people from all backgrounds and promote an understanding and appreciation of this diversity.
  • provide professional development for faculty to increase their capacity to accommodate the varied learning styles of diverse groups.
  • provide college classes, programs, and services that are accessible to all members of our learning community -- students, staff and community members.
  • reflect in the college's visual environment the diversity of our students, staff, and the communities we serve (e.g., postings, decorations, etc.).
  • support, promote, and celebrate diversity through continued training, and social and cultural events.


These activities should serve to increase the awareness and support necessary to create and sustain a premier and diverse teaching, learning, and work community.

Adopted: March 26, 1996
Administrative Review: May 2002
Revised: November 18, 2014

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