Employee Directory

WCC Employee Directory

You can search the Employee Directory by name, department or phone number.

Name Department Role Phone Office
Sturdevant, Dustin Facilities ManagementCustodian(734) 677-5304OE 100
Sturges, Sidney Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Suchyta, Nick Transportation TechnologiesPart time Support Non-Clerical(734) 973-3628OE 102
Sullens, Kelsey Public SafetyPT Accreditation Coordinator(734) 677-5147Cs 204
Sullivan, ConUA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Sullivan, John UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Sullivan, Stephanie Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Sumpter, William Advanced Manufacturing DepartmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3628OE 102
Sun, Liyan Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer
Susnick, Stuart Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Sutcliffe, Catherine Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty
Sutherland, Annie Information Technology ServicesSenior Support Technician(734) 973-3456SC 314
Sutton, Brian UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Swan, Kathie Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Swansey, Dale Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesSupport Svs Secretary-Humaniti(734) 973-3406LA 315M
Swope, Denise Workforce & Community DevelopmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009ML 104
Sylvester, Nancy WIOA - Adult Basic EducationPart-time FacultySc 287
Sysol, Jason Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Szurek, Edward Business & Computer TechnologiesProf Fac CIS Cybersecurity(734) 973-3318BE 222
Szymankiewicz, Dennis Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching

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