Employee Directory

WCC Employee Directory

You can search the Employee Directory by name, department or phone number.

Name Department Role Phone Office
Bush, Wanda Student EmployeeStudent Work Study
Bush, Renee Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet(734) 677-5024ML 106
Butcher, Kathleen ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3396LA 253J
Butler, Dan UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Butler, Terrence Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Butts, Randal Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3627OE 102
Byrd, Penny Financial ServicesCash Management Technician(734) 973-3514SC 200

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