Huron Valley Area Code Officials (HuVACO) Continuing Education Credits
HuVACO and the Division of Economic and Community Development at Washtenaw Community College have teamed up to offer nine monthly code training classes, each taught by recognized industry leaders, exclusively for HuVACO members.
2024-2025 Program Year-Upcoming Training
All classes will be offered in a Hyflex mode (in person while simultaneous streaming remotely). You decide what mode works best for you. Join us on the campus of Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI or enjoy the training from the comfort of your location.
Getting Caught in the Act of Playing by the Rules
Program Number: CP-23-00099
CE Categories: 3 - Rules & Acts
Classification Codes: All
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Mark Stimac
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Communication Class
Program Number: CP-22-00111
CE Categories: 3 - Admin
Classification Codes: BI, BO/PR
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Kenneth LaBelle
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
2015 MMC Fire Suppression Plan Review, NFPA 13
Program Number: CP-23-00092
CE Categories: 3 PR
Classification Codes: All
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Joe Hardin
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
2021 IBC Transition from the 2015 IBC
Program Number: CP-23-00084
CE Categories: 4- Spec, 2- Plan Review
Classification Codes: BI, PI, PO/PR
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Roger Axel
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Sizing Plumbing Facilities
Program Number: CP-24-00092
CE Categories: 3-Plan Review
Classification Codes: PI, BO/PR
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Mark Stimac
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
2018 IBC Use of Fire and Smoke Separations (CEB)
Program Number: CP-23-00021
CE Categories: 2 Spec, 1 Tech (Total: 3)
Classification Codes: BI, BO/PR
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Terrell Stripling
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Plan Review for Mixed Use Design
Program Number: CP-21-00108
CE Categories: 3- Plan Review
Classification Codes: BI, BO/PR
Time:1-4 p.m.
Instructor: Mark Stimac
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Name That Plumbing Code Violation
Program Number: CP-22-00013
CE Categories: 3 Tech (Total: 3)
Classification Codes: PI, BO/PR
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Jeffrey Koss
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Existing Building Code
Program Number: CP-22-00102
CE Categories: 2 Specialty, 1 Technical (Total: 3)
Classification Codes: BI, EI, MI, PI, BO/PR
Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Michael Crall
Location: WCC Campus - Morris Lawrence (ML) building - Towsley Auditorium and simultaneously
streamed live
Note: Please check back regularly as additional information will be added
Should you have any questions, please reach out to Corey Jackson at
If you need a copy of a training grid from a prior year, contact us at
If interested, you can download the bylaws.