Longtime WCC dance and voice instructor Gayle E. Martin receiving lifetime achievement award
WCC - March 15, 2023
Longtime dance and voice adjunct instructor and community performing artist Gayle E. Martin is receiving a lifetime achievement award for more than four decades of service to Washtenaw Community College students and her own personal tale of courage and resilience.
View Post : Longtime WCC dance and voice instructor Gayle E. Martin receiving lifetime achievement awardtags: Voice, Performing Arts, Dance, Music

WCC dance instructor played role in Olympians' medal pursuits
Rich Rezler - February 20, 2022
Noonie Anderson, who's been teaching dance at WCC for 40 years, has worked with some of the world's greatest figure skaters.
View Post : WCC dance instructor played role in Olympians' medal pursuitstags: Performing Arts, Faculty Profile, Dance