Award-winning creative manager got his start at WCC
Kayla Gahagan - July 04, 2023
Hallisy appreciated the approach to teaching the technical side of video production as well as the human and emotional side of capturing video. He puts those skills to use in his role as creative manager, collaborating with patients, faculty, hospital and university staff, executives, his own team and more.
View Post : Award-winning creative manager got his start at WCCtags: Video Production, Student Success, Digital Video Production, Launch, Digital Media Arts, What Do You Call, Career, Alumni Profile, Summer 2023

'I wanted a career, not a job' says Sterile Processing certificate graduate
Kayla Gahagan - June 29, 2023
Statia Hamilton always dreamed of a large family and a fulfilling career. Now, she has both.
View Post : 'I wanted a career, not a job' says Sterile Processing certificate graduatetags: Summer 2023, Launch, sterile procesing, What Do You Call, Allied Health, Health Sciences, Career

WCC grad living his dream programming video games in California
Kayla Gahagan - June 27, 2023
Tom Adams wanted something special to go alongside the digital animation credits he earned during his time at WCC – a portfolio that looked like no one else’s. So he made it happen.
View Post : WCC grad living his dream programming video games in Californiatags: Summer 2023, 3D Animation, Computer Programming, Launch, What Do You Call, Student Success, 2023

Radiography graduate found direction, career path at WCC
Kayla Gahagan - June 26, 2023
When Michelle Wilkins started in Washtenaw’s Radiography program, she hoped success would directly lead to a job in the Michigan Medicine hospital system.
View Post : Radiography graduate found direction, career path at WCCtags: Launch, Career, Radiography, What Do You Call, Student Success, Summer 2023

WCC prepares Marine for transition to higher ed, chemical engineering career
Kayla Gahagan - June 21, 2023
"I chose WCC because of the great things I had heard about it from friends who had attended and because it was the facilitator school to get into the University of Michigan."
View Post : WCC prepares Marine for transition to higher ed, chemical engineering careertags: Launch, Summer 2023, What Do You Call, Transfer, Mathematics Science and Engineering Technology, 2023, Veterans