Graduate Profile: Lauren Blackford, Arts Management
Rich Rezler - May 23, 2023
Lauren Blackford played her first gig in September 2020, the same week she started classes at WCC. One week after completing her final WCC class in early May 2023, she was in a studio recording on her first EP.
View Post : Graduate Profile: Lauren Blackford, Arts Managementtags: liberal arts, June 2023, Graduation, Student Profile, Arts Management, On The Record

Former WCC student says studying liberal arts 'prepares you for the long run rather than for a particular job'
Rich Rezler - October 21, 2021
Christopher Shepherd, who attended WCC as a dual-enrolled high school student, is a keynote speaker during the college's upcoming Liberal Arts Week events.
View Post : Former WCC student says studying liberal arts 'prepares you for the long run rather than for a particular job'tags: Dual-Enrollment, On The Record, liberal arts, Liberal Arts Week, Liberal Arts Innovation Group, December 2021

WCC faculty launch Liberal Arts Innovation Group
WCC - December 21, 2020
Because the importance of a strong liberal arts education is sometimes underestimated, a group of WCC faculty is designing methods and strategies to make them more relevant in today’s tech-heavy world.
View Post : WCC faculty launch Liberal Arts Innovation Grouptags: December 2020, On The Record, Faculty Profile, liberal arts, Liberal Arts Innovation Group, ousearch_News_On The Record, ousearch_News_2020