Employee Directory

WCC Employee Directory

You can search the Employee Directory by name, department or phone number.

Name Department Role Phone Office
Cordero Caballero, Davied Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Corie, Bridget UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Cormier, Jean-PierrePublic Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching
Corona, Marcella Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML104
Corrie, Paul Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching
Cortez, Dave UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3359GL 200
Cosgrove, Kevin Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Cosgrove, Robert Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Couch, Aylssa HVACPT Non Cler
Coughlin, Deanna UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Cousino, Elisabeth Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Cousino, JamesPublic Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheets(734) 677-5054ML 106
Coveyou, Catherine Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 477-8715GM 300
Covington, Christopher Workforce DevelopmentTemporary Part time College and Career Readiness Trainer(734) 483-7700Parkridge Community Center
Covington, Daryhl Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Covington, Myron Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesProf Faculty Communication(734) 973-3719LA 353V
Cowell, Amanda Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Cox, Matthew Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3627OE 102
Craft-Jones, Robin Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Craig, Heather Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Crane, Carolyn Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty
Crane, Laura Student RecordsPart time CRM Coordinator(734) 677-5244SC 302DD
Cratsenburg, John Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet(734) 677-5024ML 106
Crawford, Ryan Transportation TechnologiesPT Lab Assistant(734) 973-3628OE 102
Creighton, David Workforce & Community DevelopmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5060ML 104
Crosby, Kathryn UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Cross, Robert UA Instruction & SupportNo-Pay Primary UA Instr Job
Crumley, Jonathan UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3359GL 200
Cullin, Nichole Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5168LA 143
Culver, LeeUA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Currie, Elaric Motorcycle Safety ProgramProfessional Service Personnel(734) 677-5060ML 104
Currie, James Roofers - ProgramPart-Time Faculty
Currie, Kathy Student RecordsStudent Systems Architect - Registrar(734) 677-5143SC 203 B
Cutler, Brett UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Cwiek, Ted College CounselChief Labor Relations Officer(734) 973-3609SC 231

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